Changing gears in our advocacy: Strategic Plan 2022 – 2024

This piece is taken from our recently published Annual Report 2022, where we shared our Strategic Plan for 2022 – 2024.

2022 was the first year of our new three-year Strategic Plan (2022 – 2024). For years, we have been taking small steps towards become more targeted and structured in our work. Whilst we are happy to be a human rights NGO looking at horizontal and structural issues, this broad approach presents resource and prioritisation challenges. If unseen to, it runs the risk of reducing our impact and demotivating our team members.

A Strategic Plan allows us to focus our attention of key targets, to seek and allocate the required resources and to rally support from people and entities who share our values and vision.

Our entire team jointly formulates the organisation’s Strategic Plan, on the basis of our assessment of past years’ achievements and challenges together with a prediction of what lies ahead.

…we are constantly asking ourselves: what do we want to achieve?

We try to be ambitious but realistic, expansive yet cost-effective, inclusive yet efficient…importantly we are constantly asking ourselves: what do we want to achieve?

Most of the Plan’s first year is devoted to its formulation and revision, the second year and most of the third to its implementation whilst during the latter part of the Plan’s third year we assess and evaluate.

We’ve learnt that it’s a great process to unite our team and remain relevant, yet we are constantly seeking to improve it. Our next major challenge is to find efficient and effective ways of incorporating within the planing process the views of our partners and beneficiaries.

Our 2022 Annual Report is an opportunity to share our Strategic Plan 2022-2024 and to comment on its first year of implementation.

I hope this overview gives an insight into our activities and results, and to encourage you to engage more actively with us and with the human rights themes we are working on.