Asylum in Europe: the situation of applicants for international protection in 2021

New publication!

The European Council for Refugees and Exiles (ECRE) released its comparative report on asylum for 2021, drawing on findings from the AIDA reports.

The reports notes that Malta is amongst the countries which implemented unlawful border practices hindering the possibility for persons in need of protection to cross European borders with records of illegal push-backs and refusal to carry out rescues at sea.

The report also notes that Malta is amongst the countries where the family reunification procedure is restricted to refugee status holders and where the procedure is particularly lengthy and complex with many administrative obstacles often hindering the right to family reunification for refugees.

Malta, along with Cyprus, France, Italy and Spain is reported to force people to live in informal camps due to a strict eviction policy from reception centers. However, Malta stands out among these countries since it is the only one which is not experiencing any level of pressure on its reception system, with only 26% of reception places occupied at the end of 2021.

Finally, Malta is reported to be one of the few countries like Greece which implements a policy of de facto automatic detention upon arrival with severe restrictions on the access to lawyers and NGOs. The report notes that due to the use of widespread detention, the Dutch Council of State ruled that the principle of mutual trust no longer applies to Malta, and as such Dublin transfers from the Netherlands to Malta were suspended.

To read the full comparative report follow this link, and this link to read the full Malta country chapter.

Contact Alexis Galand on for more information

Red carpet to detention!
Red carpet to detention!