We urge MEPs to prevent harmful and discriminatory AI systems in migration

We just sent this appeal to Malta’s MEPs, urging them to prevent the harmful use of AI systems in the context of migration.

On 14 June, the European Parliament will vote on the EU Artificial Intelligence Act (AI Act). On behalf of the 200 organisations supporting the #ProtectNotSurveil campaign, we call on MEPs to ensure equal protection to migrants and people on the move, preventing harm from the use of AI systems in the migration context.  

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Much more than bicycles for refugees!

Bicpop is a bicycle repair workshop in Zagreb, the capital of Croatia. In the shop, old bicycles are collected and repaired together by refugees and locals. Repaired bikes are then donated to refugees and other people who might need them. Still, the shop is much more: it is a place of solidarity where refugees and the citizens of Zagreb connect and make new friends.

Marina is a volunteer in BicPop and contributes to this simple, yet important story. She says: ‘We’re doing something useful in and for the community. That is something that everyone needs, even more than the bikes themselves.

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