Paperless and Invisible: the importance of having residence papers

Documentation & Rights

For most people, it is hard to understand the importance of having a residence card and the repercussions on daily life not having one can have. A residence card or permit contains vital information that is relied upon by authorities, healthcare providers and private persons, such as employers. It can also determine what rights that person is entitled to depending on the basis of his or her residence in Malta. These rights include the right to enter the labour market under certain conditions depending, again, on the type of residence card or permit to stay that a person holds.

Therefore, although it sounds obvious, the implications of either not holding a residence card or holding a residence card based on the incorrect law has far reaching effects for the individual. Without holding a residence card or permit an individual remains at the fringes of society, invisible and vulnerable to abuse and exploitation.

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An NGO coalition campaigning for a decent minimum wage

The Campaign for a Decent Minimum Wage, which we are fully supporting, believes that workers are entitled to receive decent wages for their work, which is currently not the case. Thus, a raise in the minimum wage is about more justice to workers, and not solely workers on a minimum wage.

Such an increase will create pressure for a raise in other low wages, meaning that more workers will start receiving a decent wage.

In the coming months the Campaign will be visiting several localities and workplaces around Malta to explain and discuss our proposal for an increase in the minimum wage. The initiative was launched in Valletta on 11 March.

Il-proposta ewlenija li qed tiġi mressqa mill-Kampanja Paga Minima Diċenti hi li l-paga minima tiżdied bi 11%, imqassma fuq tliet snin (3.5% fis-sena), minbarra ż-żieda tal-COLA.

Aħna nemmnu bis-sħiħ li tiżdied il-paga minima hija att ta’ ġustizzja soċjali li se twassal għal distribuzzjoni iktar ġusta tal-ġid u r-riżorsi.

Huwa dritt bażiku tal-ħaddiema li jitħallsu paga diċenti għall-ħidma tagħhom. Din iż-żieda toħloq ukoll pressjoni sabiex pagi baxxi oħra jogħlew bl-istess ammont, u b’hekk iktar ħaddiema jkollhom paga diċenti.

Several organisations and individuals are involved in the Campaign for a Decent Minimum Wage. The organisations participating in the Campaign are:

aditus foundation, Alleanza Kontra l-Faqar, Caritas, Forum Bormliż, Integra Foundation, Koperattiva Kummerċ Ġust, Malta Humanist Association, Malta Microfinance, Mid-Dlam għad-Dawl, Millennium Chapel, Moviment Graffitti, Paulo Freire Institute, Peace Lab, The Critical Institute, Third World Group and Żminijietna – Voice of the Left.

Follow the Campaign’s Facebook page for updates!