In-nazzjon Malti jixraqlu aktar u aħjar mill-Gvern u mill-Parlament – Joint NGO Press Release (MT)

It has been said that good governance is the process whereby public institutions conduct public affairs, manage public resources and guarantee the realisation of human rights in a manner essentially free of abuse and corruption, and with due regard for the rule of law.

The key question is: are the institutions of governance effectively guaranteeing the right to health, adequate housing, sufficient food, quality education, fair justice and personal security?

United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights,

Good Governance and Human Rights

Il-kriżi nazzjonali li Malta qed taffaċċja llum hija r-riżultat ovvju u dirett ta’ serje ta’ movimenti maħsuba li, tul iż-żmien, ħadmu kontra l-elementi fundamentali tad-demokrazija u tal-istat ta’ dritt (rule of law). Gvernijiet u l-Parlamenti Maltin, wieħed wara l-ieħor, żammew u saħħew strutturi ta’ poter bl-għan ewlieni li jippreżervaw lilhom infushom filwaqt li jtaffu s-separazzjoni bejn il-fergħat leġislattivi, eżekuttivi u ġudizzjarji tal-gvern: separazzjoni li demokrazija tant teħtieġ sabiex tibqa’ b’saħħitha, inklussiva u sostenibbli.

Fl-aħħar mill-aħħar, huwa n-nazzjon Malti li jġarrab il-ħsara: il-poplu – partikolarment dawk l-aktar vunnerabbli, l-ambjent, l-industrija, il-wirt kulturali, is-soċjetà ċivili, l-ideoloġija u l-ġustizzja. Dan kollu fost ħafna inkoraġġiment pubbliku u ċapċip.

Bħala għaqdiet non-governattivi u indipendenti, mingħajr obbliġu lejn ebda partit politiku Malti, il-missjoni tal-fundazzjoni aditus, il-Fundazzjoni Integra u l-Critical Institute hija li nippromwovu l-ogħla livelli possibbli tad-drittijiet umani, rispett u protezzjoni lil kull persuna f’Malta. Għalkemm ġa sar ħafna progress, nibqgħu imħassba dwar żewġ kundizzjonijiet istituzzjonaliżżati, li jekk ma jiġux ikkontrollati, mhux biss ser joħonqu lil Malta milli tilħaq il-potenzjali sħiħ tagħha bħala nazzjon, imma ser irawmu aktar faqar, sfiduċja u livell ikrah ta’ mibgħeda fil-kommunità.

L-ewwel nett, l-istituzzjonijiet ta’ governanza qed ifallu milli jwettqu d-doveri tagħhom li jipprevjenu u jindirizzaw abużi ta’ poter fl-oqsma amministrattivi u politiċi. Hija ħaġa ta’ mistħija li entitatjiet afdati mill-poplu bil-ġustizzja, s-sewwa, l-effiċjenza u l-proċess demokratiku – jiġifieri s-servizz pubbliku, il-ġudikatura, it-tribunali amministrattivi, il-pulizija, il-forzi armati u l-aġenziji statali – jiġu konsistentement użati bħala estensjoni tal-partiti politiċi jew bħala aġenziji ta’ reklutaġġ.

Kompetenza, esperjenza u abbiltà huma pjuttost irrelevanti meta mqabbla mal-preferenza tal-vot, kuntatti familjari u ħbiberiji personali. Dawn il-ħatriet, ibbażati sfaċċatament fuq favoritiżmi, jiċħdu l-aċċess għal sistema ġudizzjarja effettiva, għall-protezzjoni mill-aġenziji li jinfurzaw il-liġi u għal sevizz publikku effiċjenti.

Imneżża’ minn kull rwol ta’ monitoraġġ u indipendenza, l-istituzzjonijiet tagħna faċilment jingħelbu minn-ministri u membri parlamentari li jirrifjutaw li jirriżenjaw meta affaċjati b’allegazzjonijiet serji ta’ korruzzjoni, favoritiżmu, frodi u forom oħra ta’ kondotta politika ħażina.

It-tieni, l-istituzjonijiet edukattivi Maltin fallew milli joħolqu poplu inkwiżittiv, li jistenna aħjar mill-ministri u l-membri parlamentari tiegħu, li għandu sens tal-ġid komuni, u li ma jaċċettax l-impunitá.  Il-valuri li jimmarkaw demokrazija ta’ suċċess – ħsieb kritiku, ċittadinanza attiva, tagħlim u fehema reċiproka, responsabbiltà soċjali, għaqda fil-kommunità u drittijiet umani – ilhom nieqsa mill-kurrikula u metodoloġiji fl-iskejjel, kulleġġi, u universitá.

Dan in-nuqqas wassal għal tnaqqis serju f’dak illi l-pajjiż jistenni mid-demokrazija, filwaqt li wegħdiet elettorali rresponsabbli imma li jgħammxu l-għajnejn ħadu post l-impenn fit-tul li l-uniku skop tiegħu hu li jtejjeb in-nazzjon u l-ġid komuni.

Filwaqt li aħna konxji li probbabilment dan il-messaġġ, kuntrarju tal-ħsieb u x-xewqat tagħna, ser jinqara’ min lenti ħamra, blu, oranġjo jew ħadra, jew jiġi interpretat ħażin minn terzi li għandhom ideoloġiji jxaqilbu lejn il-lemin jew ix-xellug tagħna, aħna konvinti mill-affermazzjoni tagħna li hemm affarijiet ferm skaduti fl-istat Malti.

Għaldaqstant inħeġġu lil:

  1. President tar-Repubblika sabiex toffri kull għajuna siewja sabiex tiġi mplementata riforma Kostituzzjonali ta’ vera, ħalli nerġgħu nibnu dan l-istat minn isfel għal fuq b’istituzzjonijiet demokratiċi indipendenti u b’saħħithom kapaċi jassiguraw l-istat ta’dritt u r-rispett lejn id-drittijiet fundamentali tal-bniedem;
  2. Membri tal-Gvern u l-Membri Parlamentari sabiex jimpenjaw ruħhom għall-governanza mibnija fuq it-trasparenza, l-inklussività u r-responsabbiltà;
  3. Individwi u kommunitajiet sabiex jevitaw il-kompjaċenza u jippretendu aktar u aħjar minn kull Gvern u Parlament, jistennew mingħandhom l-aqwa kondotta nadifa u, fejn din tfalli, li jinsistu għar-riżenja u t-tneħħija immedjata.

aditus foundation is an independent, voluntary and non-profit organisation established with a view to monitor, act and report on access to fundamental human rights by individuals and groups. We believe in the universality, interdependence and indivisibility of all human rights and strive to promote their rights-based understanding & application.

Integra Foundation is a non-profit organisation based in Malta, operating independently of any political, economic or religious affiliation at a global level. The Foundation’s vision is that of supporting inclusive, non-discriminating and non-disabling societies, where all individuals have the right to human dignity, freedom, respect and social justice. Our mission is that of facilitating the space for marginalised individuals and groups to be listened to and to have an active and meaningful say in their lives and well-being on their own terms.

The Critical Institute is a non-profit organisation set up and run by academics and activist practitioners. It offers a democratic and interdisciplinary platform to debate, learn and collaborate on world class critical research, teaching and practice. We engage in practice that actively questions and confronts inequalities and oppression.

The nation deserves better, and more, from Government and Parliament – Joint NGO Press Release (EN)

It has been said that good governance is the process whereby public institutions conduct public affairs, manage public resources and guarantee the realisation of human rights in a manner essentially free of abuse and corruption, and with due regard for the rule of law.

The key question is: are the institutions of governance effectively guaranteeing the right to health, adequate housing, sufficient food, quality education, fair justice and personal security?

United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights,

Good Governance and Human Rights

The national crisis Malta is facing today is the direct and predictable result of a series of strategic moves that have, over time, violated the fundamental elements of democracy and the rule of law. Successive Maltese governments and parliaments have retained and strengthened existing power structures with the main aim of self-preservation, obscuring the lines separating the legislative, executive and judicial branches of government: lines a democracy so desperately requires to remain healthy, inclusive and sustainable.

Ultimately, it is the entire nation that continues to suffer: the people – particularly the most vulnerable, the environment, industries, cultural heritage, civil society, ideologies, and justice. All this with much public encouragement and applause.

As non-governmental organisations vehemently not aligned to any of Malta’s political parties, the mission of aditus foundation, Integra Foundation and The Critical Institute is to promote the highest possible level of human rights respect and protection for all persons in Malta. Although significant strides have certainly been made, we remain extremely concerned at two deeply institutionalised conditions that, if left unchecked, will not only prevent Malta from achieving its full national potential but will also fuel extremely serious levels of community mistrust, hatred and poverty.

Firstly, Malta’s governance institutions are largely failing to fulfil their roles of preventing and addressing abuses of political and administrative power. It is shameful that the entities entrusted by the nation to ensure justice, fairness, efficiency and democratic process – the public service, the judiciary, administrative tribunals, the police and armed forces, and state agencies – are consistently used as extensions of political party clubs or recruitment agencies.

Competence, experience, and expertise are seemingly irrelevant, when compared to voting preferences, family connections and personal friendships. These appointments, blatantly based on favouritism, deny access to an effective justice system, to protection from law enforcement agencies and to an efficient public service.

Stripped of their monitoring roles and independence, our institutions are easily overcome by ministers and parliamentarians who refuse to step aside when faced with serious allegations of corruption, favouritism, fraud and other forms of political misconduct.

Secondly, Malta’s educational institutions have failed to create a nation that actively questions, that expects better of its ministers and parliamentarians, that has a notion of common good, that is not complacent in the face of impunity. The values underpinning successful democracies – critical thought, active citizenship, mutual learning and understanding, social responsibility, community cohesion and human rights – have long been absent from school, college and university curricula and methodologies.

Together with the academic gaps this has created, we have a severe lowering of democratic expectations, where glittering and at times irresponsible electoral promises replace long-term commitments that aim to better the entire nation for the common good.

Whilst we are aware of the probability that this message may, contrary to our intent, be read in red, blue, orange or green, or that it could be misconstrued by those having ideologies to the left or right of our own, we nonetheless stand firmly by our assertion that something is truly rotten in the state of Malta.

We therefore strongly urge:

  1. The President of the Republic to offer her good offices for the implementation of a true Constitutional reform that will rebuild the nation from its grass roots, with strong and independent democratic institutions that are capable of effectively ensuring the rule of law and respect for fundamental human rights;
  2. Members of Government and Members of Parliament to commit to a governance approach that is built on transparency, inclusivity and accountability;
  3. Individuals and communities to avoid complacency and to expect more and better from any Government of the day and from Parliament, to require from them the most impeccable conduct and, where this fails, to insist on their immediate resignation or removal.

aditus foundation is an independent, voluntary and non-profit organisation established with a view to monitor, act and report on access to fundamental human rights by individuals and groups. We believe in the universality, interdependence and indivisibility of all human rights and strive to promote their rights-based understanding & application.

Integra Foundation is a non-profit organisation based in Malta, operating independently of any political, economic or religious affiliation at a global level. The Foundation’s vision is that of supporting inclusive, non-discriminating and non-disabling societies, where all individuals have the right to human dignity, freedom, respect and social justice. Our mission is that of facilitating the space for marginalised individuals and groups to be listened to and to have an active and meaningful say in their lives and well-being on their own terms.

The Critical Institute is a non-profit organisation set up and run by academics and activist practitioners. It offers a democratic and interdisciplinary platform to debate, learn and collaborate on world class critical research, teaching and practice. We engage in practice that actively questions and confronts inequalities and oppression.

“Environmental justice is social justice” – human rights organisations together for the environment!

Environmental justice is social justice – we are here to acknowledge the impact of environmental concerns in Malta on the lives of individuals, families and communities. We must enter into serious public debate on issues of environment in order to build trust, and establish cooperation between different sectors in society that are currently estranged. This press conference, which includes voices from a variety of groups and organizations, recognizes how social justice issues intersect and transcend rigid categorization. It is testament to the growing sense of urgency experienced in our islands on matters of ecological importance.

Human mistreatment of the environment is no different from the unjust exercise of power experienced by vulnerable groups around the world. When human beings abuse of power, environmental degradation inevitably follows. This is no different from the exploitation of other forms of power and privilege – including men over women, cisgender people over transgender people, the able-bodied over people with disabilities, native Maltese over refugees and migrants. The wheels of oppression turn, and continue to trample over people and over our environment.

It is the work of social justice to ensure that each one of us may live free from domination and subordination. The natural environment is essential to the realization of basic human rights; failure to protect our environment then, amounts to the failure to protect these rights. Issues of environment are inextricably linked to these larger questions, the answers to which must involve a more holistic approach to environmental justice and social justice. As Gandhi said, the Earth provides enough to satisfy everyone’s need but not everyone’s greed.

But let us be clear. The biggest threat to our environment is not the political elite – of any colour, political persuasion or financial clout. The biggest threat to our environment is the belief that someone else will take a stand to protect it. Today we stand in solidarity; we call for the preservation of our environment for us, and for future generations. This is our responsibility and our duty. And it is the responsibility and duty of all parliamentarians to listen to the voice of the people. Environmental rights are internationally recognized fundamental human rights, and we ask for our right to good governance. Together, we call for the citizens of this country to be actively engaged in environmental awareness and preservation. To this end, we must draw attention to the vital need for sustained political will, in response to the growing concerns of the population.

Statement by the below organisations, joining several others:

Gender Liberation, Integra Foundation, Platform of Human Rights Organisations in Malta (PHROM) Organisation for Friendship in Diversity, aditus foundation, and The Critical Institute.

For coverage and a list of other organisations see here.