What support for refugees who are victims of violence & torture?

It is generally estimated that between 5% and 35% of asylum seekers are torture survivors.

Post-traumatic stress disorder can range from 20%-40%, while depression rates can vary from 30%-70% of the refugee population.

‘Time for Needs: Listening, Healing, Protecting | A Joint Action for an Appropriate Assessment of Special Needs of Victims of Torture and Violence’ teams us up with colleagues in Italy, Germany, France, Greece, Portugal and Belgium.

The project’s general objective is to contribute to the identification of special needs of victims of torture and of extreme violence, in particular women and children, related to the asylum procedures as well as the reception conditions.

Together with our partners, we’ll be interviewing national stakeholders, discussing identification and support systems with refugees.

We also aim to develop harmonized protection standards and practices for this vulnerable target group, including a practical tool for assessment of the needs of refugees who have been victims of torture or violence.

Visit the Project Page for further information.

The project is partly financed by the European Commission Directorate General Migration and Home Affairs.


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