Protecting the rights of minority groups is a human rights success for everyone

aditus foundation is extremely happy to welcome the recent amendments brought about to Maltese law in terms of offering better protection to lesbians, gays, and transgender persons living in Malta.  The amendments add sexual orientation and gender identity to the list of circumstances aggravating certain types of crimes, and also to the legal mandate of Malta’s national equality body, the Nation Council for the Promotion of Equality (NCPE).

“The authorities are sending clear messages.  Violent acts against gays, lesbians or transgender men or women will not be tolerated and will be severely punished.  Employers who discriminate on these grounds will now be held accountable and may face serious repercussions.  Of course, the main strength of these amendments is their potential to prevent these violent acts and discriminatory practices”Dr. Neil Falzon (aditus foundation Director).

These amendments are in many ways a human rights success for all of Malta, since they reaffirm the equal dignity of all persons.  They are a success for the united voice of the non-governmental organisations calling for their adoption.

“Ultimately, they are a tribute to all persons who were and are bullied, beaten, insulted, ostracised and rebuked simply due to their non-conformity to public expectations and norms.”